Public Affairs
We make sure the voice of the Baltic Sea and its challenges are heard. In our projects we communicate with influential actors, such as scientists, politicians, public officers, and corporate leaders.

Giving the Baltic Sea a voice
The Baltic Sea is an integrated ecological and socio-system that needs advocates. We aim to have a positive impact on the Baltic Sea by influencing the agriculture, water protection, fish stocks, marine culture, and blue economy by large. We make an effort to bring the voice of the sea to the tables were political decisions are made.

How do we influence?
- communicating the important issues of the Baltic Sea through multiple channels
- meeting relevant groups, giving presentations and influencing in various networks
- giving statements on regulations and laws
- cooperating as an observer at Helcom (Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission)
International Cooperation
Our work has stretched across borders since the day our journey started. From the wastewater treatment plants around the Gulf of Finland in the early 2000s to cooperating internationally to combat biodiversity loss in the Baltic Sea, saving the Baltic Sea has always been a joint effort.
The Baltic Sea is a small inland sea, but it offers valuable lessons to us all: the global environmental changes are quickly noticeable in the vulnerable Baltic Sea. The compact scale facilitates research, conservation efforts and other cooperation across national borders and sectors.

We like to think that understanding the tight connection people have had with the sea throughout history increases the willingness to save the Baltic Sea. This is why saving the cultural heritage if the Baltic Sea is important: it teaches us about our past and present and most of all, makes us value what we have in front of us.
Exploring the Baltic Sea: Issues and Solutions
Listen to the How to Protect the Ocean podcast episode Exploring the Baltic Sea: Issues and Solutions.
Annamari Arrakoski-Engardt, Ph.D, the CEO of the John Nurminen Foundation, discusses the Baltic Sea with the host Andrew Lewin on the podcast How to Protect the Ocean.
Listen to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or visit the website.

Let’s unite our efforts!
We are eager to discuss all things marine environment and culture across the seas and the ocean. Please, do not hesitate to contact us and inquire about having our specialists share their knowledge on the Baltic Sea:

Our work
What do we do to save the Baltic Sea and its heritage?