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AiAiSea Project

AiAiSea Project

The AiAiSea Project will renew cooperation between museums in AI-assisted exhibition design, in collaboration with Userix Oy. The project includes partial digitalisation of the John Nurminen Foundation’s sea chart collection and the use of this material in AI training and a pilot exhibition.

The project will develop the digital usability of the Foundation’s collection, teach and test AI to improve accessibility of the collection and create new networks in the cultural field.
The funding decision was received in May 2024. The development of the design platform has started and a service design workshop for museum stakeholders was organised at the end of October. The digitalisation of the John Nurminen Foundation collection will start at the end of 2024. The Foundation is looking for partners to implement a pilot exhibition.
Virtual, Finland
Project partners
Userix Oy
Funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU, Structural Support for Cultural and Creative Industries by the Ministry of Education and Culture

The first chart depicting the Gulf of Finland was made by Lucas Janszoon Waghenaer from the Netherlands
The project involves digitizing valuable sea charts, including for the purpose of training AI. The first chart depicting the Gulf of Finland was made by Lucas Janszoon Waghenaer from the Netherlands. Photo: The Collection of the John Nurminen Foundation

More Information:

Exhibition Design

The AiAiSea Project is part of the digital transformation of the cultural sector and its facilitation. It will develop an AI-enabled exhibition planning platform that can support the curation of both digital and physical exhibitions across the interfaces of collection management systems. At the same time, the project will implement the EODEM protocol for digital exhibition loans to support the art lending process. One of the project’s objectives is that AI-enabled collaboration between museums will open new opportunities for research use.

The accessibility of the John Nurminen Foundation’s collection and the safeguarding of its cultural heritage require high-quality digitalisation and modern, resource-wise management and utilisation. The project will enable the partial digitalisation of the Foundation’s collection, new experiential exhibition curation, a deeper understanding of the practical application of AI in cultural work, and collaboration both domestically and internationally.

Userix Oy will develop a design platform, which will be developed using service design and tested as a pilot with interested users of the Collecte collection management system. The pilot will produce a virtual maritime exhibition using an idea developed, designed and tested during the project.

Read more at Collecte’s website.
