NordGypsum Project
Gypsum treatment of fields reduces nutrient emissions into the Baltic Sea. This method has been researched and found to be effective in Finland. We are now promoting its wider adoption in Denmark and Norway.

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Anna Saarentaus
Ohjelmapäällikkö, ruoantuotannon ja metsätalouden ravinnekuormituksen leikkaus +358 40 719 0208Gypsum treatment of fields is a proven effective way of reducing nutrient emissions from agriculture into the Baltic Sea. The effects of gypsum treatment on soil, crops and waterways in Finland have been studied, and fields have already been treated with gypsum for several years.
In other countries in the Baltic Sea region, gypsum treatment is still not well known and has not been widely adopted. For this reason, the new NordGypsum project promotes the gypsum treatment of fields especially in Denmark and Norway. Together with the project partners, the gypsum expertise of local actors will be improved, a model for implementing gypsum treatment suitable for conditions in these countries will be created, and the benefits of gypsum treatment will be demonstrated to key stakeholders such as the environmental and agricultural administration, farmers, advisers and researchers.
The project also develops research methods to investigate the effects of gypsum as a water protection tool in the target countries.
The adoption of gypsum treatment as a water protection method not only in Finland but also in other countries bordering the Baltic Sea will reduce nutrient leaching from agriculture and thereby improve water quality in the Baltic Sea.

We reduce the nutrient load of the Baltic Sea by increasing the gypsum treatment of fields with our partners.
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