Wastewater Treatment Plants in Warsaw
The project planned the measures for improving phosphorus removal at the Poludnie treatment plant in Warsaw, and agreed on implementing more efficient phosphorus removal at Warsaw’s largest wastewater treatment plant, Czajka.
The Foundation contacted the Warsaw city authorities in 2007, and in 2008, a memorandum of understanding on improving the efficiency of phosphorus removal at the city’s wastewater treatment plants was signed. In 2008, the Foundation commissioned a technical survey on improving the efficiency of phosphorus removal at the Poludnie plant. The agreement also covered the implementation of more efficient phosphorus removal at Czajka, the city’s largest wastewater treatment plant, which was at the time being rebuilt.
The rebuilding of Czajka was completed in 2012. Nutrient removal at the plant now complies with both EU requirements and HELCOM (Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission) recommendations for efficient phosphorus removal.